2B Pictures Filmmaking Podcast

The 2B Pictures Flmmaking Podcast is a Filmmakers podcast put together by independent filmmakers Michael & Michele Bekemeyer, telling the story of their own independant feature film called "Playback". We will be using what we learned durring the production of our film to help filmmakers who want to make their own film get started off on the right track.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

2B Pictures Extra: ChatterPod #2

This is an interview I did with friend and author J.C. Hutchins about the upcoming conclusion to his trilogy 7th Son.

Sites mentioned in this podcast.

7th Son

SFF Audio

Listen here.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

2B Pictures: Video Extra - Behind the Scenes Interview

This is just a small look back at what it was like on the set of Playback.

These were the good old days.

Enjoy this. See you again soon.

Watch the interview here.